Page Size - 152.4mm (w) x 228.6mm (h)

Body Stock-  Simili Japon 130gsm

Cover- Japanese plywood, laser engraved
Nomination for ‘Best Student Book’ 2023

“The Japanese Geisha” is an exposition of Geisha’s extensive history and values. Discussing modern misrepresentation of Geisha’s in western society, as the image of Geisha’s has been controversial and paralleled to that of prostitutes, as a result of a lack of education.

The aim for this publication to be a means to rectify that common misunderstanding. Geisha’s are artisans and purveyors of traditional Japanese culture. Geisha women dedicate their lives to Japanese traditional arts and put their talents to use to entertain customers.

The shape and size of this publication reflects the ‘Yotsuhanbon’ book from the Japanese Edo period (“one-quarter books”), with the closed book being 1/4 the size of a full sheet of paper. (152.4mm x 228.6mm).  Typographically, the use of square designed type inspired by woodcuts, is a commendation to rich Japanese history in a modern, minimalist form.